Day 33: How Real Servants Act

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."  Matthew 10:16

The word servant has been taken out of today's society.  It has been a word with burden, hurt, and feeling of being inferior.  It has been misused, abused, and taken advantage of.  It is no wonder why so many of us shy away from it only to let the me first mentality take over.  It is important to rekindle the word for its positive stand point.  We were built to be servants and in serving; we serve God.

One of the hardest parts of serving in today's society is lack of time.  So many of us are consumed by status-who we know, who knows us, how much money we make, our job title, what labels we wear,etc.  God is not asking us to drop everything and become a holy gypsy.  He is merely asking us to be available when divine appointments arrive.  We will have to make sacrifices and let go of control as most times we are asked to serve when we least expect it.  God chooses what to bring in and out of our lives and reminding ourselves we are His servant will lessen our frustrations of these interruptions.

Being a servant is a humble station in life.  It offers a sort of indescribable peace where one can hone in on others needs.  We become a radar for those who need God's grace.  We become the ones' that pick up the pieces.  The ones' who stand while others would fall.  It is an honor to serve and every one is good enough for the job.  Servanthood is more than likely a new concept to many and face doing it poorly.  Guess what?  Most everything we have in life was done poorly at first-that is how we learn!  It will teach us where we best fit to serve and where we can do it with all our heart.  "Small tasks often show a big heart." (Warren-The Purpose Driven Life, pg. 167)

Being discouraged is part of life and being human.  Being a servant requires we push through the hard times, complete our tasks, keep our promises, fulfill our commitments and responsibilities.  God wants to count on you and ensure others can too; so be faithful in serving.  It is important not to give up or make excuses no matter the struggle in the task(s).  God would never ask of us what we could not handle.  Be humble in your journey . . . false motivations and pretenses will surface eventually.  This is why one should experiment with where they can best serve with all their heart and soul.  We should never do it to get recognized, for another person, for fame, for wealth, to be someone we are not. or because we were pressured into it.  It has to be genuine!

"The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master."   Matthew 10:24


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