Day 25: Transformed by Trouble

"Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires."  Romans 8:5

God gives us so many chances to build our character.  He puts us in difficult situations, in the face of difficult people, and reflects trials with ourselves.  Each hump in the road or detour is a chance for others' to see the reflection of jesus within us.  Most of us have come to this point at one time or another where we are at our lowest and there is no room for superficial praying.  It is the time where your faith is the purest!

It is important to stay focused among the chaos.  God's plan is always good even in the midst of horror, terror, and fear.  It is more important on what is happening to you on the inside than what is happening on the outside.  I personally never understood that until recently.  Not only was I mad and angry and resentful on the outside, but I was also on the inside.  I never asked for the grace to put out this internal fire, but as soon as I did; I was able to at least start to control the inner workings.

It is important to give thanks for His glory regardless of whether you win or lose.  He deserves praise in good times and in bad.  This is not to say praise FOR all situations but IN all situations.  This takes a lot of strength as our human selves enjoy placing the blame some where and ignoring the good.  ignoring His purpose in every calamity.  Most of all, never give up!  Do not take it upon yourself to short-circuit the process by running, avoiding, or being in denial.  Face it with as much will as you can conjur up.  Be courageous in His name and when His purpose is fulfuilled, He will move you.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28


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