Day 29: Accepting your Assignment

"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved."  Ephesians 2:4-5 
Life is a two way street not just where we take by eatting and breathing but where also give by contributing.  First and foremost we were put here to serve God.  We are part of the ministry he sacrificed His life to enable.  We do not have to be deacons, priests or other clergy to minister.  We are commanded by God to serve and is not optional if we are to be christian.  Once we have grown spiritually and accepted God;'s grace, we must utilize what He has tought us.  It is not enough just to learn it-we must impliment it every day.  The trouble with this day in age is God has been taken out of most every thing including our lives.  Science takes away every day miracles.  We are left with a stagnate life.

". . .if you don't wake up tomorrow, if it turns out that today is your last day on earth. Will you be proud of what you've done in this life? Because if you ain't, you better start getting square."  (Legion, 2009)  Things like fame, money, hobbies, careers all eventually fade and/or change.  They have no significance when we recall our lives to God.  Excuses like, "I was too busy" or "I was too preoccupied" will not go far with God.  Living for ourselves will only anger Him.

We are put here to make a difference in the world.  It is about giving a part of ourselves for the better of the community.  Perhaps, it is fear, self-centeredness, temptations, etc. that keep you from God's calling.  I can say my ego has kept me from a lot of miraculous things all my life.  In fact, if I would have let go a time or two, the situation(s) would have ended in my favor.  I share my struggles in hopes that others will not take as long as I did.  I hope others can accept God into their life as a hopeful disease and let it get viral.  The changes in the last couple years have been amazing.  Every day I have something to overcome and learn from.  Every day I see signs and feel God's presence.  Are you ready to accept your assignment?

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. "  Ephesians 2:10


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