Day 24: Transformed By Truth

"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”   John 8:12

The bible is more than a book.  From cover to cover, it offers authority and answers to every question, doubt, or situation here on earth.  It is set truths which offer us guidance and counsel and acts as our own personal table of contents for our lives.  There is much to learn and help us grow within the pages of the bible.  Many times we find our ego trying to confuse us and helping us to stray.  It is important to follow God's word regardless of whether it feels right to us.  God's words are flawless and priceless.  They are the means to set anyone free.
Freedom is a word we all know and we all long for in some sense.  The bible is the key whether you read it, research it, remember it, receive it, or reflect on it.  The words should be honored, and we should be careful as to how we listen.  Believing in the bible and the many passages that are spouted out is not enough.  We have to be open our minds and not be shallow, closed-minded, or distracted to truly absorb the bible's essence.  The idea is to ask questions.  God's delights when we ask Him and spend time with him using simple questions like who, what, where, and when.  He also wants us to practice His words by applying them to our lives.  Practice what we preach!
One of the hardest parts about growing is personal change.  The bible is going to open doors-some painful,some hard to accept; but it is also going to enlighten us to see the err of our ways.  It is going to put our faults, motives, and character under a microscope.  It is going to ask usto change how we think, what we say, and how we act.  Most of the time being completely opposite of the societal norm and our ego.  I can say how scary it can be at first.  How hard it is to have an open-mind to words you have been told are just some story.  How hard it is to have faith in some one you cannot see, touch, or feel.  To let go of what you think you know and step out to a new light.  God has told me so many things already on my journey to reading the bible.  Things I have never thought of and new inspiration to the person I want to be.  Most of all His word has dulled false motives, false sense of control, and calmed my tongue with my enemies.

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32


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