Day 22: Created To Become Like Christ

"You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone."  2 Corinthians 3:2

We have been blessed by being created in the image of God.  We have been given rights of intellect-being able to reason, think and solve.  We have been graced with an immortal spirit.  We have the honor of giving and receiving.  We also have the abilities to decipher right from wrong making us accountable to God.  We by no means will ever be God, but should hope to mimick his values, attitude and character. 

He is looking for us to develop our character not our unique personalities which usually takes letting go of the false sense of control we all have inside us.  He never promised us this life on earth would be easy, simple, or a place where all your dreams come true.  More than likely there will be plenty of times we are uncomfrotable.  We are but a small part of a bigger story and are not here to live for ourselves.

It takes a lot of effort, time, and will power to allow the Holy Spirit to work within us.  To let it do its job!  There are so many times where we think we change our direction when things do not go our way.  We consume our lives with the next relationship, get busier, and subject to temptations rather than pushing through the hard times and talking with God along the way.  The easy button is not always the answer!  It is about letting go of bad habits and releasing ourselves from how we used to act.  It is about changing the way we think and acting in the name of God.

He is constantly trying to mold us with words, with people, and with situations.  He is trying to surface the best possible character within us.  It is our choice to accept his invitation and start living in his image.  I know how easy it can be to turn your back when things do not go your way.  I know how easy it is to pretend it is not happening by consuming myself in more-more to do, more relationships!  The new "more" is less.  When I feel life is headed in a direction I never looked twice at, I have to stop.  I have to talk with God and pray and within those things I find peace in knowing whether or not he wants me to continue.  There will always be struggles.  There will always be someone who lets you down or hurts you.  There will also always be faith, hope, and love.  Live them!  When the possible seems impossible perhaps that possibility was not meant for you right now.  Perhaps He has a purpose for you somewhere else.  Everything happens for a reason.  His reason.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom"  2 Corinthians 3:17

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