Day 32: Using What God Gave You

"What you are is God's gift to you; what you do with yourself is your gift to God."  Danish Proverb

Most of us have a good idea of what some of our capabilities are.  Some of us naturally have abilities like singing, dancing, being able to remember facts, playing sports, public speaking, etc., but what if we have a hard time pinpointing our gifts.  It is all about trial and error-an experiment!  Many people do not know what they are good at until they try something new, something that scares them, something they never thought they would do.  Asking the people that are closest to us is also a good starter.  Make sure they know it is not a fish for compliments but an honest question.  They can probably think of things you have not.

Next, think about how your life's experiences and situations have helped to shape you.  Take some time out of the hussle and bussle to see how God has worked in your life-through pain, fears, joys, sorrows, mistakes, and triumphs.  Recognizing Him throughout your life will help you to help others.  Most importantly is be grateful for how you are shaped.  God made you exactly how you are for a purpose bigger than yourself.  We can not be good at everything, and we will surely fall if we try to be someone/something else.  This is not to say do not try new things.  It just means that when you experiment with your abilities, you will find some may feel forced, out of habit, do not open your heart, are boring and that is ok.

When you find those abilities, it is important to continue to help them grow and develop.  There may be some people who do not understand your ministry or your abilities and how you use them.  It is said, "avoid comparisons, resist exaggerations, and seek only God's commendation.''  Do not be diverted by criticism as most people always have an opinion.  With God's purpose in hand, we can never go wrong no matter what the nay-sayers do.

"In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it,. . ."  2 Timothy 2:12-14


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