Our Little Princess

"All girls are princesses.  It is our rite."  ~ The Little Princess

This is particularly true of Lily.  A beautiful, champion bred rottweiler.  She was the runt of her litter.  Most people thought she was a boy even though her small stature and kind eyes said, "I'm a girl!"  I even bought her the girliest designer collars, so no one would be mistaken.  Whenever we would have our mom and daughter days, we would get our toe nails painted the same, hang out with her brother Otis and go to the doggy bakery to pick out a treat or new toy.  She never picked the same thing twice.  She would always prance around after she got her toe nails painted and especially hated getting her feet wet right afterwords.  er favorite things were belly rubs, children, Good Times Pawbenders, and anything with a squeaky in it.  I loved the way she would try to get as close as possible.  Even if she was about to push you over, she was never close enough.  She snored, took up half the bed, and would lick your ankles whenever the chance arose.  Some of her nicknames were Lil, Lilers, Lily Bear, The Monster, and Meathead.  She will forever be remembered as our daughter.  Our Little Princess!

**pictured: Lily at Mom's house, Dad & Lily at The Gym, Lily & Otis hanging out on Dad's bed, Kiara & Lily at Dad's house

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