A Decade of Picking Up The Pieces

It has been a decade after the nation witnessed a full on terrorist attack.  Three planes captured only to be put to their doom.  They planned on hitting our money and our government.  They succeeded only in bringing the United States and many allies closer.

This morning, I was able to grab an ear full of BJ, Howe, and Erica in the morning on Alice 105.9.  It was inspiring to listen to the widow of United Flight 93's pilot.  Even from her voice, you could tell she carries herself well and is a strong woman.  She clarified a lot of hear-say as they played blurbs of tower and cockpit chatter.  I, myself, would find it hard to keep composed listening to my deceased husband moments before the plane crashed. 

She went on to tell why it is that flight 93 never made it to the pentagon.  I found it chilling in a good way.  It seems the entire crew and passenger list was sent to the back of the cabin where they were allowed to call loved ones and say their good-byes.  In the mist of tears and fears, the crew had begun finding weapons of any sort.  They boiled water and planned to attack the terrorists within the cockpit.  They already knew they were destined to meet their maker and would die fighting.  They looked out the windows to find a place where they would not take any other souls with them as the other 2 planes were guided to do.  Thus the odd crash site in Pennsylvania.

These souls are the the ones' that inspire me and fill my heart with joy.  They were able to be selfless and fight back without question.  These are the people we will always remember.  These are the people who give the world hope in a time of chaos and grief.  Be proud of your country and know there are people at every turn and curve of your life willing to sacrifice.  These heroes protected our government and spared the lives of many innocents by giving themselves.

My heart and prayers go out to our nation as the pieces from that day ten years ago have tattooed themselves in all our minds.  There is not one person who can honestly say, "I was not effected."

Almighty God, the years will be indelibly inscribed in our memories.

We looked with horror on the terrorist attacks of September 11th.
But we looked with honor on acts of courage by ordinary people
who sacrificed themselves to prevent further death and destruction.

We shed our tears in a common bond of grief for those we loved and lost.
We journeyed through a dark valley, but your light has led us to a place of hope.
You have turned our grief into determination.
We are resolved to do what is good, and right, and just.

Help us to remember what it means to be Americans—
a people endowed with abundant blessings.
Help us to cherish the freedoms we enjoy and inspire us to stand
with courage, united as one Nation in the midst of any adversity.

Lord, hear this prayer for our Nation. Amen.

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