NPC Colorado Natural Just Around the Corner

It is that time of year again where competitions are back to back.  All the athletes are scrambling about getting prepared, scheduling appointments, and hitting the gym hard.  The NPC Colorado Natural is the first in the fall series where a small group of Miss Fits will take the stage.  Rookie Alyssian Vissat will share the stage with Veteran Adrianne Martinez in the Bikini Division.  Each of the girls is pushing themselves and each other being 3 weeks out.  Diets and moods are changing drastically but they remain spirited.

Be prepared for major transformations and a riot of fellow Gym supporters and Miss Fits to get the Colorado University Theatre loud & rowdy.  Good Luck girls . . . bring home those trophies!  Four weeks later Crystal McClure, Crystal Bragazzi, Natalie Little, Ashley Schlein, Lisa Poole, Kelly Farino will compete in the NPC 'Rocky' in the Bikini Division with Kim Hall and Michelle Lococo competing in Figure.  To follow, Miami Nationals where many of the nationally qualified Miss Fits & Mayhem will compete for their pro cards.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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