Nationals Pose Difficult For Miss Fits & Mayhem

The two day event for the 2011 NPC North American Championship in Cleveland, Ohio proved to be more difficult than The Gym's fitness team had anticipated.  Upon talking with their coach, Chris Williamson, all their morale were high and they were excited to take stage early on.  For half of the team, this was their first national competition.  They all went out there with sass, confidence, and worked the stage.  Four of the ten competitors placed top ten: Karl Biermann, Erica Cobb, Lana Hofman, and Cortney Dennis-Romero.

 Karl Biermann 3rd Place  Frank Duru  16th Place
Class C
 Jesse Lehman 12th Place  Matt Horton 12th Place   
Class B                           Class A

All of these competitors will be continuing their journey with Miami Nationals just around the corner!


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