Day 38: Becoming a World-Class Christian

"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us. . ."  Psalm 67:1

Ways to think world-calss and not worldy:
  • Shift our mindsets from self-centered to other-centered thinking.  This is the ability to mature and stop thinking like children. . .we are now adults; let's act like it!
  • Shift our thinking from local to global.  Praying for others regardless of whether you know them or are affiliated is a great step to going beyond are amazing technological outreach.  We are defenseless against prayer. . .so pray away!
  • Recognize here & now are nothing compared to eternity.  Basically-do not sweat the small stuff.  Use that energy to do God's work.  See what is temporary and what is forever!
  • Get creative!  Not all of our purposes or missions have an easy button.  Think outside of the box to accomplish what God has laid before you.  No excuses!!
It is almost the New Year and each one of these can be implimented into our daily lives.  Be prepared to expand yourself and grow in love, spirit, and maturity.  This journey will not be easy all the time.  There will be days where you want to give up or make every excuse in the book.  The harder the mission, the more we grow closer to Him.  Let's all be a little more world-class!!!

"May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him."  Psalm 67:7


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