
We all know life is not perfect or easy or a fairy tale.  What once used to be sacred has lost its value through generations, eras, and movements.  The once thought intimacy between man and woman has dwindled into promiscuity, abuse, neglect, worry, and other irresponsibility and unaccountability.  It stems from our relationship with God being taken away from our society, culture, and households everywhere.

It has taken us hundred of years to become godless and destroy ourselves compared to other societies where it has taken them thousands.  First, we took God out of schools so as not to offend other cultures in our melting pot society.  We have focused too much on the religion aspect instead of what it means to be Godly.  God does not care what we call him or how we protect His commandments.  He only cares that we have a relationship with Him, and to cultivate any relationship, we must spend time with that person.

Next, women fought for their rights.  While many of the rights fought for are valid and amazing parts of today’s society, it has caused confusion in men and women everywhere.  God built us, man and woman, with certain characteristics that are imbedded deeper than just our flesh.  He built us to share ourselves 100% with another person as an unbreakable bond.  Recently, a friend explained it like this:

A man is a tin cup and a woman is a paper cup.  They are the same size, shape, and are provided for the same purpose.  One is not better than the other just made differently.  The paper cup is meant to fit into the tin cup not as an inferior or being helpless, but to be protected and supported.  The tin cup is now responsible and accountable for the paper cup.  They are one!

God intended a man to care for a woman and protect her, because she was made differently.  The real chase of a woman begins the minute you actually have her.  Through centuries of burning bras, peace, love, and happiness, women have been taught to support themselves.  They have been taught chivalry is dead and entered into a society where there are a whole bunch of boys trying to be men.  This vicious cycle gets worse and worse driving everyone to be self-seeking and self-indulgent.  God never intended us to be all about ourselves.  He meant us to be here for Him and alas share that with another.

So many of us are so far from God we have resorted to throwing our gifts around or thinking God does not see even the littlest sin.  We have been brought up to believe we are forgiven and can continue to be destructive and do what we want.  We have been told to enjoy life-the here and the now.  Of course God delights in our joys but at what expense and at what rate should we stop thinking about the future.  Our eternity is more important than giving in to every temptation thrown at us or fame.  Our time is more desired in unbreakable relationships.  Our bodies are more valuable loved in a bonded intimacy. 

Yes, enjoy what we have right now.  Take no gift from God for granted.  Make friends, have relationships, take risks, celebrate, try new things with the intentions of doing them with God and for God.  He delights in watching us cultivate not only a relationship with Him, but one where each person is giving themselves completely.  Where a man protects and loves a woman.  Where a woman respects and loves a man.  There is no perfect time and every opportunity has a shelf life.  Who are you taking for granted in your life?  Where is God in your life?  What steps do you need to take to make time to cultivate loving relationships?


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