Dare Three: Love Is Not Selfish

"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor." Romans 12:10

We are our choices; so whatever energy, time, and money we put into something, is what we are commited to.  It is what becomes important to us.  As a rather selfish society many of us put those three things only into ourselves.  We get so involved in our own little bubbles that we neglect some of God's most important gifts and values.  Today, put all three to use in a multitude of relationships.  Maybe a friend just needs a shoulder and a listening ear.  Take them to lunch and let them talk.  Perhaps a family member is struggling financially.  Send them a bouquet with a gift card attached.  Show your spouse or significant other you were thinking about them that harnesses energy, time, and money.  Our relationships should become one of the most important parts of our lives-get them back!


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