Day 36: Made For A Mission

"The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified."  Matthew 28:5

Our mission, should we choose to accept, is to come to Him and go for Him.  We are the body of Christ are should be obedient in His name.  It is a lot of responsibility and a great honor to represent Christ our Lord.  Sharing the Lord with others is like knowing the cure for cancer-it would idiotic to not share something that could save lives.  Relationships are key to our mission-with God & with others!  Maintaining God in your life and helping non-believers is an eternal reward.  All other things will vanish-job, money, cars, clothes, etc. 

We will have to sacrifice what we want for what He needs.  We will have to get rid of self-seeking ideals and let God work through us without resistance from our ego.  Accepting God's mission will come at a high price in many parts of our lives.  Forever is worth every trial & tribulation compared to the disposable of today.  The Lord wants all His lost children to be found.  Have no fear in sharing your spirit with those already around you.  Know that there are always going to critics and non-believers; but stand tall in His name.  Fill your heart with His glory so others' will contract your mission.  If there is one disease or ailment you should want to be contagious, it is the Lord's glory.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, . . ."  Matthew 28:19


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