
Showing posts from December, 2011


We all know life is not perfect or easy or a fairy tale.   What once used to be sacred has lost its value through generations, eras, and movements.   The once thought intimacy between man and woman has dwindled into promiscuity, abuse, neglect, worry, and other irresponsibility and unaccountability.   It stems from our relationship with God being taken away from our society, culture, and households everywhere. It has taken us hundred of years to become godless and destroy ourselves compared to other societies where it has taken them thousands.   First, we took God out of schools so as not to offend other cultures in our melting pot society.   We have focused too much on the religion aspect instead of what it means to be Godly.   God does not care what we call him or how we protect His commandments.   He only cares that we have a relationship with Him, and to cultivate any relationship, we must spend time with that person. Next, women fough...

Dare Six: Love is not irritable

  "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city."  Proverbs 16:32 Let's face it-No relationship is perfect or peachy 100% of the time.  Every great relationship requires effort, responsibility, accountability, love, and most of all time.  There are always places in our lives where we can add margin to make room for the things God made us to do.  Today, we will make a list of those things as well as a list of false motivations.  These motivations are anything we are seeking for selfish reasons.  Relationships should be genuine and whole-hearted.  Whether it is family, friends, or lovers, making quality time to be with them will help to open new doors with God and soon to follow, self.  This time will help us to be less irritable towards our relationships and not take them for granted.

Dare Five: Love Is Not Rude

"He who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be reckoned a curse to him."  Proverbs 27:14 There are many times in life where we have to face our qwerks, flaws, and mistakes in the mirror.  Then again there are times we choose to ignore them or runaway.  This dare is about facing those things head on without excuses or attacking others' for their honesty.  Ask a close friend, family member, loved one, etc. what three things really irritate them about you or make them uncomforatbale.  Use what they tell you as a learning and growing experience!

2011 Life Lessons

1. Love is a choice. Just because you choose to love someone, doesnot mean they will accept it nor choose to love you back. 2. Every opportunity has a shelf life. We tend to miss out on the best parts of life out of fear. Courage is the only remedy. 3. We have to decide who to trust, who likes us for who we are, and who just wants something from us. 4. Quality not quantity. No matter how many people we know, if try are not genuine; we will always be thirsty. We will never know who we love, like, admire, etc. as we will spread ourselves too thin. Six to 12 very close friends is a good number. Each one should add something to your life and vice versa. Do not find out how precious someone is the hard way. 5. Time is one of the most precious gifts we can give. 6. All of the gifts God has given us may not be used the way we thought or when we think is best. Be patient and never lose faith! 7. Sometimes being lost is so close to being found. 8. Who we are is not def...

Dare Four: Love is Thoughful

  "How precious also are Your thoughts to me. . . .How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand"  Psalm 139:17–18 Time is important in developing relationships.  In fact, it is a needed aspect of any relationship.  The more time you can put into a relationship, the more you will get from it.  Take just a few minutes to call someone you love with no other agenda than to see how their day is going.

Dare Three: Love Is Not Selfish

"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor." Romans 12:10 We are our choices; so whatever energy, time, and money we put into something, is what we are commited to.  It is what becomes important to us.  As a rather selfish society many of us put those three things only into ourselves.  We get so involved in our own little bubbles that we neglect some of God's most important gifts and values.  Today, put all three to use in a multitude of relationships.  Maybe a friend just needs a shoulder and a listening ear.  Take them to lunch and let them talk.  Perhaps a family member is struggling financially.  Send them a bouquet with a gift card attached.  Show your spouse or significant other you were thinking about them that harnesses energy, time, and money.  Our relationships should become one of the most important parts of our lives-get them back!

Dare Two: Love is Kind

  "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."  Ephesians 4:32 Being the time of year where giving is key.  Today should not be hard for anyone to accomplish.  In addition to maintaining one's tongue, we should do at least one unexpected gesture(surprise) as an act of kindness.  This could be picking up your significants other's dry cleaning.  This could be paying for the person behind you's coffee.  This could be buying a meal for a homeless person and delivering it.  Whatever ignites your kind heart find a way to fulfill it.

Dare One: Love is Patient

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."  Ephesians 4:2 Love is communicated in number of ways.  The most common reflection of our hearts is our words.  Our tongues can be vicious and lash out quickly without giving thought to how it may affect those around us.  Today refrain from saying anything negative. If we have nothing nice to say; say nothing at all.

New Found Confidence

After her 17 week journey through losing over 50 pounds and competing in an NPC bikini competition, Lisa Poole found the adventure has awakened so much more than her bikini body.  She has found a confidence and beauty she forgot was there.  She decided to make other changes and started her own business while being a loving wife and mother of two.  She told me it was "totally not like her" and seems very excited to have started with Rodan & Fields Dermatologists.  Through learning how to eat right, exercise, and have an all around support system through The Gym & their partners; Lisa unravelled qualities that had hidden under her just had a baby body.  If you are interested in opening your inner doors, please contact, Chris Williamson for his Mommie Makeover.  If interested in business opportunities as well as events with Rodan & Fields, please contact Lisa Poole .  As Lisa would say, "Hugs 'N' High Fives".

Top Her Couture Now Carrying Accessories

Top Her Couture is now carrying unique competition and fashion jewelry.     If you are looking for unique competiton jewelry or interesting rhinestone accessories, Top Her Couture will not let you down! Now carrying Bracelets, rings, and earrings! Coming early spring, Top Her Couture will be featuring WOW Couture Dresses. Above are examples and may not be available

50 Ways To Show Gratitude

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” –William Arthur Ward Show Gratitude to People Who Love You 1. Share a specific example of something they did for you and how it made a difference in your life. 2. Do something little but thoughtful for them—like clean up after Thanksgiving dinner! 3. Give a long, intimate hug; or if you know they don’t like hugs, stick out your hand for a handshake to cater to their preferences and make them smile. 4. Tell them you’re there if they have anything they want to talk about—and let them know they have your full attention. 5. Give them something of yours that you think they would enjoy, and let them know specifically why you want them to have it. 6. Invite them to do something you know they’ve always wanted to do. 7. Encourage them to try something you know they want to try, but haven’t yet because they’re scared. 8. Offer to do something you know they don’t enjoy doing, like organizing their clo...

Day 40: Living With Purpose

"Now the hand of the Lord is against you. You are going to be blind for a time, not even able to see the light of the sun.   Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand."  Acts 13:11 We are not meant to merely exist but to really live.  The last 39 days have defined God's purpose for our lives, offered direction, defined success as not being a societal norm, clarified our roles and our shape.  It has detailed the five questions of our purpose-driven life. What will be the center of my life? This is our worship.  There is nothing stronger in life to keep us together when we feel it all starts to fall apart-not family, career, money or hobbies.  God takes away the worry and fills us with peace. What will be the character of my life? Who you are is more important than what you do!  Making a list of characteristics you would like to work on and develop is a great start. ...

Day 39: Balancing Your Life

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. . . ."  Ephesians 5:8 Love God with all your heart Love your neighbor as yourself Go and make disciples baptize them into. . . teach them to do all things . . . Balancing out the five purposes of our lives it not an easy task.  Many times we focus on the ones that come easiest to us and neglect the others.  Keeping on track and accountable takes joining a small group or having a spiritual partner, regularly evaluating spiritual health, journaling, and sharing your experiences with others. It is one thing to go through The Purpose Driven Life and just read it; next, we have to apply it and discuss it.  Finding others will help to look at all sides of the text as well as reading the passages noted by Rick Warren.  I am almost done reading and evaluating these passages myself.  I highlight the phrases that jump out at me and re-read the ones that really jus...

Day 38: Becoming a World-Class Christian

"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us. . ."  Psalm 67:1 Ways to think world-calss and not worldy: Shift our mindsets from self-centered to other-centered thinking.  This is the ability to mature and stop thinking like children. . .we are now adults; let's act like it! Shift our thinking from local to global.  Praying for others regardless of whether you know them or are affiliated is a great step to going beyond are amazing technological outreach.  We are defenseless against prayer. . .so pray away! Recognize here & now are nothing compared to eternity.  Basically-do not sweat the small stuff.  Use that energy to do God's work.  See what is temporary and what is forever! Get creative!  Not all of our purposes or missions have an easy button.  Think outside of the box to accomplish what God has laid before you.  No excuses!! It is almost the New Year and each one of these can be implim...

Day 37: Sharing Your Life Message

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."  1 Peter 3:4-5 Sharing your message is not about the materialistic parts of your life like money; it is about sharing your testimony, life lessons, godly passions, and good news.  There are many points in our life where God has entered our lives or worked through us in our many life experiences.  Sharing these times with others will reinforce His glory.  Each one of us has a legacy with the Lord and it is important for those stories to never die.  Our personal experiences will be easier for others to relate to and usually more triumphant within the non-believers. Life is about trial and error but we do not have forever to learn all of life with this simple phrase; so we rely on those who...

Protein Banana Nut Loaf

What You Will Need: 2 scoops Banana Creme Protein Powder* 1/2 cup of rolled oats 1 packet of Fiber Splenda 1/4 cup vanilla coconut milk* 1 whole egg 3 Egg Whites 1/4 cup walnut pieces Dash of cinnamon Mix all ingredients together until smooth.  Pour into lightly greased loaf pan or cupcake pan.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Fill cupcake pan with a little over half.  Place pan into oven and back for about 5-7 minutes or until batter slightly rises.  Lower temperature to 350 degrees.  Back anotehr 7-10 minutes or until cooked through the center.  Poke a knife in the center, if it comes out completely clean, it is ready.  Cool and enjoy!! *substitute with your favorite protein powder or milk substitute.

Day 36: Made For A Mission

"The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified."  Matthew 28:5 Our mission, should we choose to accept, is to come to Him and go for Him.  We are the body of Christ are should be obedient in His name.  It is a lot of responsibility and a great honor to represent Christ our Lord.  Sharing the Lord with others is like knowing the cure for cancer-it would idiotic to not share something that could save lives.  Relationships are key to our mission-with God & with others!  Maintaining God in your life and helping non-believers is an eternal reward.  All other things will vanish-job, money, cars, clothes, etc.  We will have to sacrifice what we want for what He needs.  We will have to get rid of self-seeking ideals and let God work through us without resistance from our ego.  Accepting God's mission will come at a high price in many parts of our lives.  Forever is w...

Day 35: God's Power in Your Weakness

"And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows. . ." 2 Corinthians 12:3 Imperfect, limited, weak-human!  We all have many flaws which so many of us hide, run away from, or excuse.  The fact is, God works even better through these weaknesses.  These are the things and times where God demostrates His power through you.  Without these imperfections-how would we know just how mighty He is and how strong He makes us. Admitting we are flawed or weak can be a hard feat, but we are.  We will never have it together every minute of every day.  There is no way for God to work through us if we are not sure who we are or who He is.  We can start by making a list of these weaknesses and be content with the list before us.  These things are what push us to depend on God and other people in the most humble and sympathetic way. We can all agree opening up to these flaws is a vulnerable state....

Day 34: Thinking Like A Servant

"Real servants don't try to use God for their purposes. They let God use them for his purposes." Thinking of ourselves less [not thinking less of ourselves] is a hard task.  Most people serve for admiration, self-seeking ideals, to be liked, and achieve their own goals.  This is a type of manipulation.  True serve requires humility which most of us have to relearn daily as our egos seem to always be in the way.  There is no bargaining with God or part-time faithfulness-either you are in or you are not. We should be worrying about making God look good not ourselves.  We should keep busy in God's work and realize we are all on the same team.  There is no place for jealousy, pity, complaining, or criticism.  God is in us as us and it is our job to do the work he has given us.  It is our opportunity and right to accept this challenge with all our heart and soul.  Serve others-serve Him! "Therefore if you have any encouragement from...