Pride, Love, Commitment Are Waiting: Just Ask

The world today is in the fast lane.  We are worried about how to get things done quicker so we can fit more stuff into our daily routine-more meetings, more than one job, more relationships, more money, and more toys.  We go about it trying to find the easy button in almost every situation, but what may seem like easy really drives us away from simplicity and becomes an oxymoron.

Much of the world is in a whirlwind of chaos thinking more money, more toys, more than one woman will make you happier.  While having a few delicacies and indulging once in awhile can have a perk, it is temporary [empty even]; and then we are on to defeat the next big thing.  It is a false sense of comfort and enjoyment that comes from MORE.  Sometimes this MORE leads to more sin such as pretending to like or love someone for self-satisfaction, addictions [like drugs, sex, shopping, etc.], as well as lying and deception.  MORE pushes us to detach ourselves from God and focus on ourselves; a lot of which also requires us to hurt the ones we love the most.

One of the saddest parts of MORE is many of us get so caught up in it, we are unable to stop or do not realize we are stuck.  There is always hope and God wants us to find our way back to Him.  He yearns for his children as he also has feeling and emotions.  We were made in his image; not ours.  We were envisioned before we were conceived.  God wants MORE for us in the forms of hope, love, faith, and commitment.  He pleads with us when we come to the forks in the road “which will you take my child?” 

God hands us the difficult because he knows we can handle it.  He knows just how strong we are and will never hand us something he does not think we can take on.  When women/men throw themselves at another; God asks us to respect ourselves more and realize how precious loving one is.  It’s not going to be easy all the time!  When we could go with the job that pays six figures but is not our true calling; God asks us to listen to our hearts desires and realize how whole we will feel taking the job we love for less money. It’s not going to be easy all the time!  So next time you are given the options of easy: easy money, easy life, easy button; resist the temptation.  Go down a path very few were willing to take.  Open your heart to God as he gives you the strength to reach eternity with Him-to live your purpose with love, commitment, pride, and respect.

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 NIV


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