He Fears You; A Woman

I am not letting men off the hook. God knows, they have a lot more repenting to do. I am saying that you won't begin to understand the long and sustained assault on femininity, on women, until you see it as part of something much larger. The most wicked force the world has ever known. The Enemy bears a special hatred for Eve. If you believe he has any role in the history of this world, you cannot help but see it.

The Evil One had a hand in all that has happened to you. If he didn't arrange for the assault directly-and certainly human sin has a large enough role to play-then he made sure he drove the message of the wounds home into your heart. He is the one who has dogged your heels with shame and self-doubt and accusation. He is the one who offers the false comforters to you in order to deepen your bondage. He is the one who has done these things in order to prevent your restoration. For that is what he fears. He fears who you are; what you are; what you might become. He fears your beauty and your life-giving heart.

You really won't understand your life as a woman until you understand this:

You are passionately loved by the God of the universe.
You are passionately hated by his Enemy.

And so, dear heart, it is time for your restoration. For there is One greater than your Enemy, One who has sought you out from the beginning of time. He has come to heal your broken heart and restore your feminine soul.

(Captivating , 89-91)

[Taken from Ransomed Heart Ministries]

'Last night, she was compelled to be ten again.  She left her cozy studio apartment with her arms outstretched.  She raised her head and closed her eyes as her tears were washed away by the showers from the Heavens.  She breathed in her favorite smell as the thunder echoed & crashed.  Sopping wet she found the biggest puddle and jumped vivaciously into the middle.  For a moment a smile broke the confusion and there was peace.'


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