Right Direction

We all have this sort of sixth sense within us when making decisions.  Women tend to be more attuned to it.  In a fast paced society, very few of us take the time to make decisions. . .let me correct myself here.  Very few of us take the time to make the RIGHT decisions.  We have become a knee-jerk society full of impulses deemed as happiness.  It is conditioned happiness!  Just because it makes us happy does not make it right.  Wouldn't it be nice to have a more abundant flow of happiness based on right decisions?  Here are four questions to aide you in making the RIGHT decisions:

  1. Is it the truth?  The heart has a way of telling us whether it is true or not.  My priest once told me if I had problems hearing my heart it was best to ask before I went to bed.  Then, when I wake with no outside noise or societal influence; I could hear the answer.  It usually comes to us when our whole self is the quietest.  I tend to wake up at least 15-30 minutes before I know I have to get up just to tune in to my inner radio.
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?  Being fair does not just include the other parties but yourself.  Doing right for all parties will help you be comfortable in the decision and go down the right path.
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?  This has to be one of the most important questions to ask.  Life is about the relationships we build and should push toward a win-win situation every time [or get as close as possible].  Start today and build goodwill and friendships; not more walls. . .
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  Final question in our path to the right decision and enlightenment.  The truth will set you free!
Tune into your sixth sense.  Always remember we are a conditioned society.  We are the only ones' who can do something about it.  Take time to react using the four questions above.  This will help us to be more aware of the truth within us and make sense of the world around us.  Be prepared to make the right decision which is usually down a path less traveled.  There will be a virtuous integrity that radiates within you when truth is your path. . . lead your heart there!


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