Eyes Wide Shut

"Love is not blind; it simply enables one to see things others fail to see."

We are all stacked with opinions, fears, experiences, and wounds that usually have some sort of sway in our decisions.  We tend to be very bias with ourselves and it ends up being us stopping us from what we really want.  We try to rationalize the things we do not understand.  We tend to get selfish in pointing out all the faults of the other people instead of embracing what we love the most about them.

A common thing I have seen in relationships is that when something goes wrong or we feel some sort of negativity toward the one we are supposed to care about the most, we quickly find something to fill the space: another relationship, food, drugs, sex, etc.  We are quick to discard the most precious thing in our life usually because we lack the will to try for it.  The more time and energy you put in a thing or person, will be where your heart tends to be.  We have to remember not of the bad but why we hung on in the first place.

Many times our ego will try to kick in as well as assumptions about how the other person is feeling or should feel based on us.  We selfishly find the next best adrenaline rush just to find more disappointment.  The vicious cycle continues until we are prepared to accept the consequences of our sacrifices.  We have to be prepared to get over ourselves and continue to learn about the other person.  Love has always been a choice and until we choose to really love another; we will continue to find unhappiness lurking in the corners of temptation.

  1. Invest in the other person
  2. Never stop learning about them
  3. Pray for them
  4. Surprise them
  5. Push your ego out of the way do things for them even when it is hard for you to do
  6. Communicate often
  7. Do things together that are unique and special to your relationship
  8. Set aside time JUST FOR THEM
  9. Keep your promises
  10. Understand we all make mistakes
  11. Honesty is the best policy (if you don't like the consequences that follow, then perhaps you are not making the right decision)
  12. Give 100%
  13. Do what is right by God not by self
  14. Resist temptation and if you are struggling, get professional help


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