Me Against Myself

With so many crash diets and home work-out videos available in the 21st century, it is no wonder we get lost in the media of wanting to get fit.  We often find that just taking the steps into a gym is not enough.  We realize we have to set goals for ourselves as well as gain a confidence some of us barely know if at all as Rabecca Lee found out.  It is not us against the world.  It is us against us.

Rabecca Lee started at the age of 15 in her journey to a fit lifestyle by taking a high school elective class in weight training.  At the time, she did not know her decision would forever change her life as she became addicted to strength training and fitness.  She continued to take her class and at night would do Cory Everson Workout videos at home.  “Yes, I am a BIG fan of Cory Everson.”  After high school, she joined a local fitness center.

Admiring the sport of bodybuilding, Rabecca always wanted to compete.  What she lacked was the belief in her to get started.  At 34 years old, Rabecca took the plunge.  “WOW, was it different than I expected!”  Rabecca thought all you had to do was train hard, but there was also the competitor’s diet which was completely different from the “model diet”.  The “model diet” she followed consisted of eating light and healthy.  This also included developing bad eating habits like eating only one meal a day.  She was getting no where near the protein or other essential nutrients to her body to be competitor.

She started training March 2010, eating properly, and took stage for the first time May 2010.  She continued to improve and push herself competing several times in the months following.  As with many competitors, she took a break to mentally and physically prepare for the 2011 season.  Seven months later, she took stage at the NPC South Florida event in November.  She placed 1st in both Masters and Bikini Class B.  “My goal is to continue to improve myself and to be the best I can.  Failure is not in my vocabulary . . .” 

Rabecca knows no matter what place she gets, she is growing as a person and as a competitor.  She continues to develop her passion for the sport and determined to overcome any challenges she may face as she pushes herself to be the very best.  “I have come to realize that the only person who can ever defeat me is myself; not the girl next to me in the line-up, not the girl on the cover of some magazine . . .”  Rabecca uses all these life experiences to fuel her fire and continue to take herself to the next level.  She is set to compete in her first national event May 19th in the Junior USAs.

Training hard and eating properly are not the only steps competitors must take to get on stage.  There is a sort of confidence to be found and an inner status to be earned.  It is about getting rid of false motives and what we think we know.  It is about reaching into places we may not have the courage to touch.  It is never too late to push ourselves to new places, set goals we may not think are possible at the time, and overcome ourselves at every step of the journey.

A very special thank you to Alyssian Vissat and her wonderful line Top Her Couture for asking me to be apart of her blog.


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