Dare Twenty-Six: Love is Responsible

"When you judge another, you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the same things." 

The most important part of being responsible is responding.  This said, communication is key.  So many times we allow our pride to take over and pretend that we have done nothing wrong.  We hide our imperfections and qwerks hoping others will not see what a mess we are or see the mess we have caused.  We end up lying to the people we love the most as well as ourselves.  Today, humble your flaws by forgiving yourself, asking God for forgiveness, and asking those whom you have done wrong to for forgiveness.  Know that their reactions may not be pleasant or what you expect.  Do not get defensive or lash back at them.  This is the time to set yourself free from your mistakes and let those you love realize you are ready to start on a new path of responsibility and accountability.

"But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another."  Galatians 6:4
Romans 2:1


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