Day Nine: What Makes God Smile?

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." 
Psalm 147:3
We make God smile by not just believing or having faith but also by what we do.  There are many things in this world we cannot explain.  God asks things of us in glory and faith.  He wants our obedience.  He does not want us to pick the pieces of praise, worship, and glory that fit us best.  Of course, much of society does this.  I am guilty of it.
I have a hard time forgiving, yet I attend mass and read the bible.  It is like being a doctor and diagnosing a patient using only some of their symptoms; so they can control the outcome.  This recently happened to my sister.  She has never had a seizure in her life and one morning had 2 within 6 hours of each other.  The doctor's could not explain it but called it epilepsy.  I am no doctor, but I do know you cannot just wake up one day and have epilepsy.  They chose the symptoms to treat and discarded any other possibilities.  It was something none of us could explain.
It is important to make God smile wholeheartedly.  We should trust in His word and where He diverts us no matter how unreasonable, against societal norms, or uncomfortable it leaves us.  He has a purpose for placing us down each turn and bump in the road.  He enjoys seeing us use our human abilities not just in spiritual acts.  It is being thankful and praising even the smallest thing or task.

"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."  Psalm 147:10-11

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