Day Four: There is More to Life Than the Here & Now

"Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning.  This old command is the message you have heard."  1 John 2:7

I know how hard it is to phathom something we cannot see, touch, hear, or really every know until we depart this world.  We have heard theories, explanations, ideas as well as a multitude of names when it pertains to heaven.  Many of us struggle with making sure we are known in this life-making sure to leave a legacy behind.  What we have very much strayed from is the here and now does not matter.
Our decisions should not be based on what we leave behind but where we are going.  It is important to feed your soul; so that when you enter His kingdom, He will see you lived in Him and for Him.  Believe me!  Being a visual person, it is hard for me to put faith and effort into someone I have never seen and can never truely know.  I believe it is worth the effort as many tasks and situations become meaningless when I do live for Him.  The energy most of us put towards fear, anger, resentment, being malicious, etc. becomes a waste when you live within His commandments and realize one day you will have to answer for all your sins.  Each time we yell, get angry, lie, deceive, among other things, we murder our soul.  We are human and sin is inevidible but it is how we change our attitude and handle the sin that matters most.
So, next time you get angry because someone cut you off, you did not get what you want, or try to sabotage some one because they have the love and attention of the one you want, ask yourself,"Where can I redirect this energy?" "Is it worth this much pain?"  "Am I living in His commandments?"  "What would God do in this situation?"

"I write to you, dear children, because you know the Father.  I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning.  I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one. "  1 John 2:14

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