Competition Motivation

In a 12-14 week competition preparation one can start to feel like they have been hit by a truck in the last few weeks of training and dieting.  By now, it is you against you and staying motivated and resisting temptations can be at its most difficult.  Here are some helpful tips to keep you going, help you relax, and continue to stay motivated.

  1. Strive for progress not perfection
Most import thing is to surround your self with a group of people who understand what you are going through and may also be on the same competition timeline.  Joining a fitness team is the easiest and most fun way to do this.  This will reinforce that you are not in this journey alone, and we all have our days.  We are only human and no do not have to have it together each and every day.

  1. Energy & persistence conquer all things
Find new ways to energize yourself whether it is a particular person, smell, book, song, or magazine.  Make a motivational vision board or memorize a new motivational quote each day.  The key is to staying focused and excited about your journey.

  1. It's not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.
When a sport is about having a whole bunch of strangers judge how good your body looks, it can be nerve racking.  New and old insecurities have a tendency to rise to the surface.  One may start to compare oneself to others more frequently.  The key is to focus on where you are at and where you want to go.  A good tool to help you focus on just you is setting up a photo shoot.  This idea helps you to see your body out of the mirror and peer group.  It can be a fun, creative, and motivational event to put out the insecure wildfires.  [Great Colorado Photographers to contact:  Brent Yoder, Brett Seeley, and Jonathan Shoup]

  1. Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.
You have the opportunity to get fit and healthy while meeting your personal goals.  Remember to take time to relax and get pampered in your preparation.  One to two weeks before your competition, schedule a spa day.  Get your hair done, go for a facial, and get those toes and fingers polished up.  Make it a team event to encourage each other to relax and form a stronger team bond.  You can also do a little more personal time by creating your own spa like setting at home.  Draw an Epsom salt bath, light some candles, and put on some soothing music.  This can also help you relax and recover.

The key to doing any competition is keeping motivated in a positive environment, relaxing, having fun, and not only pushing your self but others.  These tips should help you to stay focused.  I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing all the new competitors and athletes.  The finish line is the beginning of a whole new race


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