Competition Mile

It has taken four years to make the decision to compete in a bikini competition.  Now, this is not just any bikini competition.  You know the ones where you get some girl shaking her stuff, wearing next to nothing, and being less than lady-like.  No, this competition takes class, poise, confidence, and strategic planning.

Earlier this year, I decided I would compete.  I wanted to step out of the box as Colorado only offers National Physique Committee (NPC) competitions.  Now, this competition is as good as any other division, but I wanted to see how I would do out of my element.  I researched some other divisions and decided upon Fitness Universe.  What drew me to this particular one was you can also be a little more creative as you take stage twice-once in sportswear that exudes your personality, character, or interests and then your bikini.  I have been a performer since I was little and this was perfect for who I am.

Fitness Universe is an international division so picking a location to travel too was not too easy but knew I did not want to go to far from home for my first competition.  I decided to compete for Ms. Bikini NorCal on September 11, 2011 in Sacramento, CA.  I quickly designed my suit and picked my costume.  These are two very crucial parts of competing and the quicker they are off the list, the quicker I could focus on the main part-body.

Training and dieting are not as hard for me as some.  I have been around competitors for some years now.  I understand the dedication it takes to steer away from temptations and stay focused.  I have always had the right mind set to compete just needed to do it for the right reasons.  The hardest part is keeping that full-steam-ahead mentality when you have little to no steam to give.  The diet gets old and my metabolism keeps me restless.  The upside is I get to experiment with new clean recipes and take all the restlessness and put it into my clothing line. 

So, here I am!  Two and a half weeks out from my first competition to be thousands of miles away from home.  The only comforts I have (besides my determination and confidence)is the companionship of my trainer & best friend, Chris Williamson and God.  They have been so supportive in my decisions and abilities.  I respect who they are in my life and look forward to sharing the results with them.
Watch the live webcast by signing up at FITNESS UNIVERSE.


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