Contact:  Chris Williamson                                                                
Phone:  303.756.7300
Cell:  720.936.2436

Miss Fits & Mayhem gave the 2011 NPC Colorado State Competition a run for their money.

July 16th, 2011 at the Exdo Center in Denver, Colorado, The Gym’s Bikini & Physique Team entered yet again into competition mode.  Four of the seven team members entered the doors for the first time-all with excitement and pre-contest jitters.  Every team member placed 3rd or better qualifying the entire team for nationals.

3rd Place Bikini Novice Class A & 1st Place Bikini Open Class C

2nd Place Bikini Novice Class C & 3rd Place Open Class E

3rd Place Bikini Open Class F
1st Place Bikini Novice Class B &1st Place Bikini Open Class D

1st & Overall Physique Age 35-42 & 2nd Open Physique Class C
2nd Place Physique Masters
2nd Place Open Physique Class B
This team has now doubled in size since the NPC Mile High Competition in June.  There is no stopping this team [especially now that all the members who have competed are nationally qualified].  They are happy to welcome the newest bikini competitors Natalie Little, Krystal Bragazzi, Michelle Locs, and Moms-Like-Me Winners Lisa and Kelly.  They all will be competing some time this fall.

So what's next?  Many of the current team will head to Cleveland, Ohio September 2nd & 3rd for the NPC North American to earn their Pro Cards.  The excitement from the weekend has amped The Gym to push themselves even harder.  They look forward to pushing the new additions as well.

The Gym offers Personal Training, conditioning & strength classes, MMA training, kickboxing, nutrition counseling, and competition preparation for all walks of life.  Whether you are 18 or 65, The Gym has all the motivational parts to get you healthy and in-shape.


For more information about The Gym, sponsorship, or schedule interviews, please call Chris Williamson at  303.756.7300 or email him at chris@gym303.com


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