Introducing . . .


My supplement stack!  Training requires more than just going to the gym.  It requires supplements, vitamins, nutrition, and a strong mental focus.  Of course not everyone is in the gym to compete.  There are different levels of intensity just depending on your goals.  Regardless, taking some supplements and having the right tools will aide in your fitness journey no matter what level you are at.


Protein is an essential macronutrient that helps build muscle, repair tissue, and make enzymes and hormones. Using protein powder may also aid weight loss and help people tone their muscles.  There are creative ways to use protein powder - shakes, pancakes, muffins, and even desserts!  

I really love the taste and consistency of Nutrex IsoFit.  This whey isolate tastes amazing, easy to mix, and also has EAA + BCAA for recovery.  Those looking for a plant-based protein, try Nutrex Plant Protein.  I also use Humapro Tabs - great way to add protein without added fats, carbs, or calories!

Vitamins + Essentials

Taking a multi-vitamin is important regardless of whether you are a gym goer or not.  I take Vitadapt when getting ready for a show.  It is formulated for athletes and the stresses they put on their bodies constantly.  For those looking for a more traditional multi, I really like Rainbow Light, Garden of Life, and MegaFoods products. I also take Omega 3-6-9, D3, Oregano Oil, and CLA.

Recovery + Rest

One of the most common observations I see is so much talk about training and very little about recovery.  This is just as important as your gym time!  I love our recovery boots!  They are pricing but worth the investment.  This helps me with muscle soreness, cramping, tightness, and give me a moment to just rest.  I also have a series of yoga wheels and rollers to assist with flexibility, recovery, and stretching.  

I also use Nutrex EAA+ as an intra workout beverage and BCAA 6000 after training.

No matter where you are in your fitness journey, it is important to be consistent with your training, make healthy(ier) food choices, and have a supplement stack that will help you reach your goals.  Everything from protein to vitamins are important for your overall health.  When training they become even more important in your diet to compensate for the rigorous training and impact it has on the body.


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