Hello! My name is Gym.


It’s been over four years since I have taken the stage.  We welcomed our daughter 2019 and while I didn’t stop going to the gym; training was different.  Less intense, less organized!  I went when I could which was not as often as I like.  We have some basic equipment at home.  If you are like me, trying to train at home is distracting - I'd get sucked into laundry or noticing dirty baseboards and the list goes on! Fast forward to 2022.

Our toddler is a little human and doing more independent tasks.  Leaving me more time to get in the gym how I like to.  With that comes more intentional training, more precise supplements, and some much deserved ‘me time’.  It feels good to be training more regularly and with intentions!  I think about joining the stage again.  Not sure when as I would have to start all over from a local show to get my bid into a national show.  The ever growing sport likely has changed in these last four years.  Hopefully not by too much having been in top 5 fairly consistently on the national stage.

I know myself right now and I am not ready for the food.  I am enjoying summer spritzers and BBQ.  Why this is important?  I feel in my time on stage I have watched competitors set themselves up for failure mainly in their diet.  Forcing themselves to be 'ready' - depriving themselves of many things for far too long . . . then BOOM!  It all crashes when they allow themselves to eat.  Consuming a dozen Krispy Kremes in one setting - watched this unfold behind stage!

My point is set yourself up for success.  Find a foundation that works for you!  Don't train on someone else's timeline.  My motivation is sweat equity, being part of the Nutrex Elite, Team Bombshell, and looking good for my husband.  Because when he wins - I win!

Where ever you are in your fitness journey - keep going!  It is okay to take breaks.  To enjoy life.  To start a family.  The stage and the gym will be there waiting if that is where your adventure takes you.  What motivates you?  Comment below

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