And The Fat Lady Sang


As more vaccines become FDA approved, more entities will start to mandate the vaccine.  I have seen it here in Colorado.  Having been a season ticket holder with Opera Colorado, I find what is unfolding to be disheartening and having nothing to do with science.

Opera Colorado and much of the Denver Performing Arts platforms will be requiring ALL patrons  12 years or older to be fully vaccinated and provide proof starting October 1st.  Those 2-11 years old will be required to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status.  Aside from my personal beliefs and opinions find it hard to believe this is for our "health and safety".  Perhaps it is just because I cannot find these decisions to be rational when you look at hard statistics.

Let's talk stats Colorado!

From 2020-2021, 75,785 people died in this state [God rest their souls].  During that time, 7,371 all ages had died from COVID-19, 6,847 had died from Pneumonia, and 81 had died from Flu.  COVID-19 makes up 9.7% of the total deaths and pneumonia trails behind by 9%.  I have an 81% chance of dying from something other than COVID. HMM!

Now take ages 0-17 years old- 964 young souls perished from 2020-2021.  Of that 1.1% died from COVID-19 and 1.7% had died from Pneumonia.  If we take the numbers and tabulate from the entire Colorado death population; COVID-19 deaths were 0.01% while Pneumonia deaths were 0.02%. (CDC, 8/25/2021)  Something to consider - Pfizer's website states their vaccine has a 0.4% severe adverse reaction ages 12-15 years old.  A child is more likely to have some significant and maybe life changing reaction to the vaccine than to die from getting the virus.  It also took almost 2 decades after the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic to get a vaccine - let that sink in!

Nationwide, as many as 95% of COVID-19 deaths had co-morbidities associated. (CDC, 8/22/21)

Why this important. . .

I have yet to see anyone mandating proof of pneumococcal vaccination even though the deaths are just short of COVID deaths overall and slightly outweigh the younger population.  Here we are over a year later still trying to force mask mandates, vaccines, and continuing to create a new era of segregation.

It is already widely known that regardless of vaccination status everyone can give and get the virus.  Those that choose not to get the vaccine know the risks associated.  Stop trying to tell them you care about their health as well as telling them they need to be responsible for everyone else's health.  You do not know what their health and/or medical status is.  

I wonder if Opera Colorado is going to start serving salads and water at intermission and get rid of the alcohol, soda drinks, and sugared snacks?   I would venture to say probably not, so is it really for OUR health and safety.  Perhaps it just makes them feel better?  I can only speculate and make assumptions at this point - it seems to raise more questions than answers.

Will public transport start making the unvaxed sit at the back of the bus or create specified cars/planes/buses?  Will they have to use the back door instead of the front?  Will they have to use different water fountains and bathrooms?  Sound familiar. . .

It starts with just one entity deciding [not based on science or actual data] and in this case playing 'doctor' that a particular demographic is dangerous.  That fear rips through society like a wild fire.  It is sure to spiral into a place we have already been before; not learning from our past and repeating a rather painful history.

Rationale went out the window over a year ago and I have yet to have an article, person, or meme change my mind about masking, vaccines, and VID propaganda.  I am not an anti-vaxer.  I am an anti-BSer.  I know 2+2 does not equal 5.  If you want the vax-get it!  If you don't-don't!  If you want to wear a mask-do!  YOU get to choose. . .

I believe we know ourselves and our families better than any other person - even the experts at times!  Irrational rules and regulations based on what I can only deem as opinion since the hard data and many peer reviewed studies show them to be on the contrary.   I am not sure I will ever understand why fear has taken over sound judgement.  Taking all the pieces and all the parts and seeing a bigger picture-one that leads to discrimination, segregation, and potentially more harm than help. 


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