Find & Develop Your Passion

PASSION - A word thrown around amongst self-help books and sometimes deemed unrealistic.  As if we were on a quest for the Holy Grail or a Unicorn.  Most of us seek passion in one form or another yet have trouble connecting with that passion.  

Thanks to Adam Rubin, the co-founder and executive director of Renew, an international nonprofit bringing personal development to adolescents around the world.  He has given us a few tools to help us discover what our passions are, connect with those passions, and lead a more fulfiling life.

  1. Expand Your Horizons.  Traveling is a great way to open up into a world of learning and experiences to drive fresh perspective and self discovery.  If you are having trouble connecting with your passion, maybe you just have not found that passion yet.  That is ok.  Take steps to get outside your comfort zone and go on adventures!
  2. Reflection.  Let your struggles and pains be your guide to what might be your passion.  Often, what were road blocks for us lead to alleviating the same hardships for others.  “Your purpose lies directly next to your pain,” Rubin says.
  3. Take A Load Off.  ". . . get out of your head, get into your heart, " says Rubin.  Give yourself room to explore your passions without having to make money, be rewarded, or show them off to others.  Do your passions with no expectations from yourself or anyone else.
  4. Be A Kid At Heart.  Getting older does not mean leaving everything behind to 'grow up'.  Consider revisiting some of the things you did as a child.  How did you spend your time?  What were your interests, hobbies, or activities?  Incorporate some of those past  times into your present.
  5. Quiet Time.  Giving yourself space through introspection, mediation, yoga, or other silence induced activities allows for you to let go of internal clutter.  It makes room for your next passion or allows you to hone in on what your passion(s) are.  
  6. Surround Yourself.  Is your immediate sphere living out their passions or are they absent of real purpose?  Connect with and build a circle of friends which are living a life you want to emulate.
  7. Not Just About You.  A great source of joy and pleasure is using those passions that drive us to drive others.  Contribute to something that aligns with those passions that is bigger than you.

Whether you have targeted your passions or still finding your way.  These seven tips are a great source to starting you on your journey.  Create!  Explore!  Inspire!  Connect!


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