My New Natural

In my early to mid-20s, I developed problem skin.  I never had this issue even in my teens.  I tried some of the cheaper brands first: Noxema, Clean & Clear, Cetaphil, etc.  These products either made it worse or did nothing but dry my skin out with constant break outs.  The next step was trying the more expensive products like Dermalogica, Sanitas, IS Clinical, etc.  I had the same results as with the cheaper brands.  I did find that Yes To and Simple products helped a little more without overly drying my skin out as well as the occasional facial.  I felt hopeless until. . .

Fast forward a decade-I was introduced to Melaleuca by a woman whom worked with another high level supplement company.  I was skeptical because, let's face it, there are hundreds of MLMs out there claiming some sort of miracle, niche, or fad that is usually short lived.  It also drives people to get you signed up just for an extra buck or two. I don't like that pressure! They usually do not care whether you need the product or that it even helps you.  I have been approached through out the years by just about every one of them.

The one thing that was different right off the bat is Melaleuca has been around for 30 years and they aren't selling miracles or fads.  This was huge for me.  I am not looking to be 10 years younger with some cream or lose weight drinking five shakes per day [which is a problem in itself].  The other very attractive thing to me is the constant scientific research done and taking time to develop a quality product.  They make sure it works and/or is safe before they release it.  They also make the full details available to the public.

 "Clean Streams.  Clean Homes.  Clean Conscience" is right!

The more I learned what Melaleuca was about and tried a few samples of items, I dove in.  I learned at Melaleuca:
  • Helping people all around is their main goal.
  • Their cleaners are chlorine, ammonia, and formaldehyde free.
  • Have over 400 products that are free of aspartame, harsh dyes & other additives.  They are every day household cleaners, beauty products, vitamins, and more.  It is like having a Wholefoods open 24 hours a day always offering Target prices!
  • Use concentrated formulas to help keep down waste and prices.
  • Results based products backed by Scientific Studies
  • No BUY IN or pressure to be in a 'tier'.  Shop on-line at your convenience and be a preferred customer for life.
Some of the key things I have learned in my own research is:
  • Chlorine is a registered pesticide linked to causing many illnesses/diseases including cancer(s). Autism, ADHD, Metabolic Syndrome, etc.
  • Other harsh chemicals, additives, and dyes are also linked to such diseases/illnesses
  • The #1 toxicity for pregnant women and infants in 2013 was cosmetics and #2 was household cleaners.
  • Supplements are a $28 billion dollar industry with about 56% of people wasting their money on items that do not work or are not what they say they are. [Resent Recall]
Back to my story. . . .

Once I converted our household cleaners, I started ordering their sport line [mostly only the stuff I know I could take while getting competition ready].  One of the things was Essential Vitamin Packs for Women.  Now, these convenient packs are backed by the Freiburg Study showing it can reduce free radical damage [if not reverse some of it], lower cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation. and much more.  The oligofructose delivery system/formula even holds two patents.  AGAIN SKEPTIC [even though I could see the full results of the study]!!!  Until, my skin started clearing up and glowing.

Within a week I had less irritation, less break outs, and for the first time felt confident in my skin.  Slowly my shoulders and back started clearing up too.  With that,  I was hooked!  I even started using their Affinia face system.  The complete set works better than anything I have tried in the past and was less than $20 for the full regimen[facial cleanser+toner, eye makeup remover or scrub, moisturizer].  I wish I would have heard about this ten years ago.  It would have saved me hundreds of dollars and piece of mind.

I am sure you are still skeptical.  I do not blame you.  Seems companies claim a lot these days with little to know proof.  I am the proof!  MLMs have also floaded the industry with false promises and hinky products with the sole intention of profiting NOT helping.  I am not saying they cure cancer, make you look 10 years younger, will make you become an instant millionaire, or even make you fly.  I am saying I had amazing results after years of struggling and trying every thing under the sun and the 60 day empty bottle policy was a plus.  The risk to join was low for me and so glad I took it!

I personally believe we owe it to ourselves and our family to be in the best shape of our lives.  This goes past exercising and eating right.  It includes providing a safe environment and helping to keep the world a better place to live in.


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