It's Yours

We live in a world filled with uniqueness.  Each day.  Each situation.  Each person.  Each journey.  There are no two paths alike.  We make the best of it.  We overcome the cracks, bumps, mountains; and regardless of whether we can walk a mile in their shoes.  The fact is, we are not them and they are not us.  Their journey will never be like ours.

I often see posts of one-sided, tunnel vision, egotistical, and rather troublesome statements of what competing should look like or how much time it should take.  I personally find it belittling and disrespectful to fellow competitors.  Who are we to judge what it should or shouldn't be.  Each of us has our strengths and weaknesses when getting ready to take stage.  Some of us it is mental.  Others it is genetics.  Sometimes it is food & dieting.  Some of us take longer that a month to get on stage for whatever reason; but that reason is theirs.  We do not have to understand it or know what it feels like.  Just respect their journey and the steps they have to take whether it is four weeks or twenty.

As a competitor and someone who works very closely with body transformations, I get to see the trials and tribulations first hand.  So many of them come in with little to no self esteem, bad self image, intimidated as they have never set foot in a gym nor know how to use the equipment as well as trying to overcome death, illness, disease, etc; and I believe it is our job as a stage "family" to guide them in their journey, to help educate their transformation, and keep them motivated especially when they hit a wall and want to break down or give up.

Next time someone opens up and allows themselves to tell of their journey; don't be so quick to tell them that's not the way it should be.  Take a moment and listen as we all have a chance to learn from and about someone else.  Their journey may end up helping us overcome our trials and/or tribulations.  Uniqueness is what makes this sport.  Different bodies.  Different faces.  Different prep times.  Different journeys.

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."  MATTHEW 7:13-14


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