Mid-Month Supplement: Liporedux by SAN

A supplement that I cannot live without and you don't have to swallow another pill.

                    LIPOREDUX contains a 6-phase precision formulated topical fat loss matrix                                         targeted to spot reduce at the site of application, while avoiding negative side effects                          commonly associated with ingestible fat burners on the market today. Consisting of                              precise amounts of ancillary fat burning ingredients, LIPOREDUX is formulated to                              increase insulin sensitivity in the fat cell while maximizing cAMP & norepinephrine                              release resulting in unparalleled fat depletion wherever the product is applied to.                                 Additionally, Liporedux incorporates a new and novel beta-3-agonist that neutralizes fat                     tissue in subcutaneous tissue, making the dieting and competition process a lot easier to                       track and evaluate.

Mid-last year, I found this product and thought, "what the heck, let's try it."  I had already started using SAN Launch and wanted to kick it up a notch.  I immediately began my eight week prep using a small amount in my mid section including abdominal and "love handles" region as I prepared for the 2012 NPC Rocky in Denver, CO.  Being a woman, many of us struggle with that region including thighs and buttocks.  The great thing about this product-you can put it anywhere!

I noticed within a week of using the product that my midsection was tighter, firmer, and I actually had abs.  San Lipodurex took away that extra layer and helped bring my best package to the stage.  It helped get me my first place at the Rocky and continued use gave me third at the 2013 NPC USA Championship.

If you have a few problem areas that powders and capsules aren't reaching, try SAN Liporedux.  It gives you results in those stubborn areas and helps reveal the best parts of you.  SAN you see your abs?


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