Where Are We Going?

It's not enough that we cannot stop and ask for directions in such an independent driven society; but when we get the strength to ask, we seldom listen.  I have learned in the last few days [heck, six years] that people may ask for honesty; but when you give them the courtesy & respect of honesty, they seem to not be able to handle it.  Perhaps because it is such a foreign ideal they just can't wrap their head around it.  Perhaps ignorance to them is truly blissful.  Society sure enjoys a reassuring lie than the inconvenient honesty!  Whatever caged approach it may be, I commend those who share honesty.  The ones that can take a stand not just for themselves but for others.  The ones who take risks to call people out on their nonsense.  It shows so much integrity and respect.
Along with that comes the art of conversation-breeding a nation of passive aggressive people.  I know, I've been caught up in world wide web.  The idea of being anything we want, saying anything we want via the internet.  I mean why not.  There are very little consequences right?  How about the ability to handle real world situations and the people they involve.  It has become so ridiculous, we cannot even approach another person as an adult to have a conversation without them cowering, feeling awkward, or otherwise (if there's nothing going on, why would anyone feel that way anyways?).  But I am sure they will be able to Facebook, tweet, or instagram about it later.  For myself, it has been a tough one pulling myself out of that passive aggressive behavior.  It's a habit. . .a bad habit!  It not only keeps good people at bay, it also pulls you into drama.  The same drama you are trying to avoid.
Finally, when did we stop fighting for others?  When did love stop being good enough?  It is so sad to see how many people trample on others with their words, actions, motives, etc. to get what they want.  We constantly take for granted the love that is offered to us.  And for what- money, sex, power?  Certainly, many situations that come into play with family, friends, and love involve you and it is YOUR business.  They may not be a direct hit; but in one way or another, they involve and affect you.  So stand- stand for loyalty, love, friendship, honor, integrity, respect!  It is hard to find those that do stand for more than just themselves; and those are the same people who are burned at the stake.  I would rather burn trying and in good character than living in regret and fear-especially when I could have saved someone I cared about deeply.
In regards to love, perhaps the true nature of its values and morals have been pushed out by the words' overuse and understated demeanor.  Look at how many times a day you use the word 'LOVE'.  "I love chocolate!"  "I love electronic music!"   "I love that dress!"  "I love my iPhone!"  " I love the way that perfume smells!"  Sure, all of these have a positive and enticing place in how we feel, but I hardly think any of these can give us a hug, have a meaningful conversation with us, tell our day to, or tell us how we are missed or appreciated.  Of course, apple might have an app for all of those by now!
The truth of the matter is "I love you" goes above and beyond any feeling or chemistry.  It is the moment when someone else becomes more important than yourself.  The person you go out of your way for to make sure they feel special and visible.  Let them know that love is enough and cannot be replaced with things or sensory enticers.  Give the meaning of love its definition back!

With moral values on a decline, honesty at an all time low, human interaction a fantasy, and love just a four letter word, we find ourselves wandering-lost!  But there is hope!  There are people who will not falter.  There are people willing to take the road less traveled and stand for the integrity of a nation.  There are those who may be honest to a fault, but they are the same people who will hold you up when you fall.  The same people who help others find their way home.  The same people who love without question of why or self.  The backbone of society!


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