10 Things to LET IN

So in 2013, if you are already struggling in your resolve to give up or let go, why don’t you join me in a challenge to “let in”? The change of focus may make all the difference.

1. Let in awareness.

Use your senses to really appreciate all that is around you. Nature has so much joy to give us on a daily basis if we will stop to watch, listen, touch, taste, and smell. The gift of this awareness is that we stop worrying so much about what’s going on inside ourselves. It is the gift of the present.
2. Let in love.

Love and accept yourself as you are so that you are open to receiving love. Sure, you might want to lose weight or be more positive or more confident, but you are still worthy. You don’t need to prove anything to approve of yourself. Letting in love makes you lovable.
3. Let in compassion.

Don’t be too busy feeling sorry for yourself (or judging yourself) to make room for others’ comfort. Don’t be too stoic to accept help. Don’t beat yourself up, thinking that you have to pull yourself out of your own mess or that you must do the hard yards alone.
4. Let in forgiveness.

Allow yourself to be forgiven by others, and most importantly, allow yourself to forgive your own mistakes. You are only human.
5. Let in laughter.

It will lighten the mood.
6. Let in joy.

Love and joy are gifts we all deserve.
7. Let in gratitude.

Allow people to be grateful for what you do. Don’t dismiss what you do as “nothing.” Count your kindness, and allow yourself to feel good about it.
8. Let in silence.

Be prepared to sit with yourself and meditate on your own lovability rather than focusing on the things about yourself you’d like to change.
9. Let in serendipity.

Be alert for things that happen out of the blue, even if at first they appear negative. Serendipity is good fortune that can come disguised as a lesson. Receive it as a blessing.
10. Let in pain.
It sounds strange when you feel like you have enough pain inside you, or when you busy trying to get rid of it in order to be stronger and braver. But opening yourself up to the risk of being hurt allows you to realize that you are capable of handling the pain you already have.

And, the more pain you let yourself feel, the more you can alchemise into gain.


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