Whispers of Promise: Day 15

"Caught up in their own independence, unbelievers have missed out on the truth that they aren't really free at all: They can't seem to do good.  They'll never know otherwise unless they see someone who is free indeed.  Who knows what simple act could help another understand your freedom to do right, not just do what you want?"

Free will is a delusion society has created to help us find a way to ease our human brain.  It is hard for humans to comprehend we have no control of our life.  Our ego often wins the battle by giving in to addictions, temptations, and doing whatever it takes to get to the top no matter who we hurt.  Often we hear, "Do what makes you happy."  The problem in doing what makes you happy often lacks conviction, effort, sacrifice, or the task of doing good-only doing for ourselves.  The vicious cycle only continues to push us farther from God and true freedom.  Accepting our fate and looking at each situation as a chance to make Him proud will help release our selfish chains.


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