The Gym Celebrates

Another exciting and fulfilling competition to really set 2012 season in motion.  The NPC Northern held at Boulder Theatre by Jeff Taylor proved to be challenging and one heck of a good time for The Gym Miss Fits and Mayhem.

With the help of trainer, Chris Williamson, Natalie Little, Matt Horton, and Jenn P. Anderson are now nationally qualified as they all took first in their classes [pictures coming soon!].  While the rest of the team did not place, they were all so proud of their fellow teammates as well as themselves.  Take Kelly Adams and James Padilla who both lost over 50 lbs to take stage or Chris Hinkhouse who deals with Albanism or Nira who juggles three teenage boys as well as three businesses.  These competitors were met by their family from The Gym with cheers and constant motivation as well as added support from Mile High Max Muscle owners Ali & Billy Van Heusen.

Congrats to all the competitors who took stage this weekend as it was one of the biggest Northerns yet and the classes were tough competition.


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