Miss Fits & Mayhem Set The Stage

NPC Colorado kicked off the season with a Novice & Masters Championship Sunday March 18th.  Taking stage was Michelle Lococo, Natalie Little, and Sean Looney representing The Gym Miss Fits & Mayhem.  The venue at Red & Jerry's Event Center was perfect for this show.  The set up was by far one of the best.

Prejudging, Sean took stage first with four gentlemen in his class.  His posing was great and he kept a smile the whole time [even after almost walking off stage too soon-way to keep your composure!].  Natalie soon followed with six or seven women in her class.  Ashley Dennis, her posing coach, called out little corrections from the crowd.  You could hear fellow team mates cheering her on as the once semi-silent center got rowdy!  Unfortunately, Michelle did not have very much competition in her class being one of two in her figure class.

Finals, Miss Fits and Mayhem all took first in their class.  Sean and Natalie were runners up for overall.  These places have not only pumped up the few that competed this weekend, it also pumped up the many which will be competing in the NPC Northern in Boulder only three weeks away.  Congrats to the Miss Fits and Mayhem.  We look forward to seeing the results and triumphs at the Northern.  Could The Gym team become completely nationally qualified again?  Stay tuned. . .


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