The First Month: Diapers-
Congrats! 👶 You've made it through what can be the hardest and most trying time as a new parent. The sleep deprivation and zombification is real as you get to know your little one not to mention the constant diapers changes. As my experience goes, not all disposable diapers are created equal. Our petite little bundle of joy transitioned from the newborn to size one a few weeks after the one month mark and found a few of the brands performed better in different sizing. Newborn sizing we 💗: Pampers Pure These hug nicely and we only had one accident. Can I say poo all the way up the back? I love the pH indicator turning from yellow to blue to let you know it is wet. The size was still a little big for our daughter, but performed well in locking moisture and preventing blowouts. Newborn sizing we disliked: Luvs These were a great size just a little more petite than the other brands but it did not perform. We had leaka...