
Showing posts from August, 2016

Personal Trainer VS Group Fitness

If you truly want to get fit - learn how to work out and eat right.  When you commit to losing weight and leading a healthy lifestyle [consistently exercising and making better eating choices], many doors will open to help you stay on track and keep you motivated. While group fitness offers great work-outs, you will have better success in the long run if you invest in a personal trainer.  Personal trainers typically offer a wide variety of services that tailor to each client’s individual needs.  Group fitness is not going to make sure you have good form or teach you the proper way to lift weights. Personal trainers offer a support system, they are educators, teachers, and offer a consistent stream of motivation to keep you amped and help you achieve your goals.  They are there to listen, to hold you accountable, and develop a relationship with you.  Personal training is in fact personal. Why not group fitness?  Because each person moves dif...

Weekday Warrior

If you’re like most 9 to 5ers, you become glued to your desk chair. The zoned out stare into your screen, missing lunch, ‘gotta get this done today’ brain drain. To pull you away for a moment and get the blood flowing again, here are a few tips to help keep you active at work. 1) Pre-Work Out Knowing that you are likely to be stuck to your chair most of the day, make it a priority to get active before work. Whether it’s walking the dog, yoga, weight training or a run around the neighborhood, jump start your metabolism and get your body moving before you get to the office. You’ll be amazed how much it wakes you up and helps you focus throughout the day! 2) Be A Kit-Kat Give yourself a break and get creative doing it. Many companies our now offering fit programs and in-house gyms -use them! Hire a Personal Trainer to come to you for a 30 minute Quickie . Bring sneakers, resistance bands, and/or a yoga mat to work. Chances are if they don’t have them in-house, there is a place nea...

Same Logo New Look

Top Her Couture has simplified your viewing experience by: Cleaning up the clutter :  We have gone minimalist.  The easier navigation allows a straight forward experience.  No bells or whistles this go around just who we are, what we do, and how to contact us.   [A little late on the Spring Cleaning or maybe just super early?] Follow, buy, and/or connect :  We have added all the typical social media handles and included our store fronts, bidding opportunities, and creative insights.   Enjoy the new site , and we look forward to connecting with you today!