
Showing posts from October, 2012

Right Direction

We all have this sort of sixth sense within us when making decisions.  Women tend to be more attuned to it.  In a fast paced society, very few of us take the time to make decisions. . .let me correct myself here.  Very few of us take the time to make the RIGHT decisions.  We have become a knee-jerk society full of impulses deemed as happiness.  It is conditioned happiness!  Just because it makes us happy does not make it right.  Wouldn't it be nice to have a more abundant flow of happiness based on right decisions?  Here are four questions to aide you in making the RIGHT decisions: Is it the truth?  The heart has a way of telling us whether it is true or not.  My priest once told me if I had problems hearing my heart it was best to ask before I went to bed.  Then, when I wake with no outside noise or societal influence; I could hear the answer.  It usually comes to us when our whole self is the quietest.  I tend to wake up at least 15-30 minutes before I know I have to get

2012 NPC Rocky Photo shoots Underway

With the 2012 N.P.C. Rocky only a few weeks away, why not show off all your hard work by booking a photo shoot (or two?)  One of Northern Colorado's most dedicated photographers, Brent Yoder of Capturesque Photography is prepared to get you shots that will make you shine.  He is very professional and used to working with newbies behind the camera.  He offers a creative edge to many different styles including(but not limited to) glamour, swimwear, fitness, lifestyle, and portrait. 970-219-1530

33 Things to Accept & Embrace

1. Beauty cannot be defined. Beauty is a reflection of what we deem valuable. For me, it’s an inner radiance and bliss that transcends judgment and fear, or at least makes an effort to. 2. Perfection cannot be obtained (and it’s boring anyways). Trying to be perfect makes us feel inferior and desperate to change; owning our uniqueness makes us feel worthy and excited to evolve. 3. Love will be messy at times. Sometimes love looks nothing like the ideal. Unless you’re in an unhealthy relationship, lean into the messiness. That’s where the intimacy is. 4. Other people will judge . Doing our best and accepting that people will form opinions is far more empowering than stressing about what everyone else thinks. 5. Sometimes there is no right or wrong . There isn’t always a right decision or answer. It’s just about what feels right to us right now, and whether we have the courage to honor it . 6. No one else knows what’s right for us. Someone else may seem certain they know what we

Whispers of Promise : Day 22

"God doesn't want you to suffer unnecessarily.  Instead of leaving you to work out your life in your own way, He wants to guide you.  When you face difficult days. . .you won't stand alone.  Trouble won't blast your life but will strengthen you instead.  Your Creator can turn all trials to blessings if you just stand firm in Him. Enjoy your days in Jesus." Being able to ask the right questions and allow the unknown of God and His work to flow within us can be even more difficult.  We have to get through the walls built, the ego we are born with, and societal influences.  We must learn to be assertive in God. . .that way no matter the situation; we will be prepared to take it on.  There is nothing impossible without God.

Eyes Wide Shut

"Love is not blind; it simply enables one to see things others fail to see." We are all stacked with opinions, fears, experiences, and wounds that usually have some sort of sway in our decisions.  We tend to be very bias with ourselves and it ends up being us stopping us from what we really want.  We try to rationalize the things we do not understand.  We tend to get selfish in pointing out all the faults of the other people instead of embracing what we love the most about them. A common thing I have seen in relationships is that when something goes wrong or we feel some sort of negativity toward the one we are supposed to care about the most, we quickly find something to fill the space: another relationship, food, drugs, sex, etc.  We are quick to discard the most precious thing in our life usually because we lack the will to try for it.  The more time and energy you put in a thing or person, will be where your heart tends to be.  We have to remember not of the b