Right Direction
We all have this sort of sixth sense within us when making decisions. Women tend to be more attuned to it. In a fast paced society, very few of us take the time to make decisions. . .let me correct myself here. Very few of us take the time to make the RIGHT decisions. We have become a knee-jerk society full of impulses deemed as happiness. It is conditioned happiness! Just because it makes us happy does not make it right. Wouldn't it be nice to have a more abundant flow of happiness based on right decisions? Here are four questions to aide you in making the RIGHT decisions: Is it the truth? The heart has a way of telling us whether it is true or not. My priest once told me if I had problems hearing my heart it was best to ask before I went to bed. Then, when I wake with no outside noise or societal influence; I could hear the answer. It usually comes to us when our whole self is the quietest. I tend t...